Gavin and Lily checking out what Santa brought them:
Lily right after she opened her Little Mermaid set. She immediately put on the necklace that sings and I swear she didn't take it off the rest of the day! Anytime we wondered where she was it seemed she would push that button and answer our question. (We are now a week and a half after Christmas and she still wears that thing most days)
Gavin with his guitar from Lily. This present caused him the most stress before the holiday-he wanted to open it so bad!
My Little Mermaid:
Gavin and Daddy put together Lego's most of the day:
Lily dressed and ready to go to Grammy's-still sporting the Ariel necklace:
Gavin got this from Dylan-he was soo excited! I overheard him later telling Dylan that what he got him was awesome!
Lily got this super cute doggie from Tinsley (in the background) and she loves it! It barks and sings and is so soft.
End of the evening-I can't remember why she was crying, but if I had to guess I'm thinking she was just plain old tired. Missing a hairbow, but still wearing the lovely singing necklace.